City of Raleigh

Special Event Permits are required for events that use public spaces, such as roads, greenways, and plazas. Please review the Special Event Planning Guide to be aware of policies, procedures, and important information for producing an event in Raleigh.

How to Apply:

  •  For Recurring Events: Submit the Letter of Intent to reserve the same day/date and space the following year (must be submitted within two weeks of receiving the event evaluation).
  • For Both Recurring and New Events: Submit the Special Event Application and corresponding application fee (must be submitted in accordance with the deadlines listed below).

The Letter of Intent is intended ONLY for recurring events. New events must submit a Special Event Application and the corresponding application fee to tentatively hold a date and space on the calendar.

Applications for new events are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. For new events, we strongly recommend that you contact the Special Events Office at 919-996-2200 or prior to submitting a Special Event Application to determine whether your event as requested would be feasible.

Letter of Intent

Recurring events with an acceptable performance evaluation will be given first priority to reserve the same day of the same week of the following calendar year (e.g., the second Saturday of February) or to reserve the same exact date of the following calendar year (e.g. February 14th). Once an event organizer receives their performance evaluation, they will have two weeks to submit a Letter of Intent indicating their desire to hold the event with the same date and location the following year. Failure to submit a Letter of Intent within two weeks will open that date or location up to other interested parties.

The Letter of Intent provides a general overview of your event. The reservation means the space has been secured for the event, but final approvals are not guaranteed. Events with accepted Letters of Intent are marked “tentative” and will be able to continue with the application process.

Special Event Application

The Special Event Application requires that the applicant provide in-depth details about the event. Listing information as “TBD” or uploading documents from a past year as a placeholder will not be accepted. Both recurring and new events must submit the Special Event Application AND the application fee by the due date for the corresponding event type. Please contact the Special Events Office if you are unsure what your event type is. Submitting an application does not guarantee that you will be issued a Special Event Permit.

Event TypeApplication Deadline
Walk/Race/Parade120 Days
General Event Tier I90 Days
General Event Tier II45 Days
General Event Tier III30 Days

Submitted applications are reviewed by multiple departments. Special Events Office staff will communicate any further requirements or additional permits. Delays in providing required information may result in the determination that the application is incomplete and cannot move forward in the approval process. All events are tentative until an event has been conditionally approved.

While applying, you have the ability to save your progress and proceed to any portion of the application. Follow the application menu on the left-hand column to navigate the application.

To submit a Special Event Permit application, you will need to have an account. If you don't have an account, create an account now. if you have an account, please proceed to login.

Proceed to Application